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Kid Psychologist

Kid Psychologist

Development in children The term ‘development’ is used to depict a child’s overall growth, which encompasses areas of physical, emotional, cognitive, behavior and communication skills. It is generally believed that how an individual matures throughout their life is...
Occupational therapy for kids

Occupational therapy for kids

Why early childhood development is important There is ample research that indicates that the first years of a child’s life is paramount to their development and shapes their future. From the early stages of the prenatal phase, babies are already starting to take in...
Social skills training occupational therapy

Social skills training occupational therapy

The importance of social skills As humans, we are highly sociable and rely on social skills to engage and communicate with one another. This includes both verbal and non-verbal communication, such as use of language, personal appearance, body language and facial...
Gross motor development

Gross motor development

What are gross motor skills? A basic yet integral component of a child’s development is the advancement of physical skills. Gross motor skills are essential to regulate the body’s large muscles, which are important for core stabilisation, hand-eye coordination and...
OT sensory integration

OT sensory integration

What is sensory integration (or sensory processing)? The way in which an individual connects, engages and reacts with their environment can be thought of as sensory processing. These sensory experiences encompass the five senses (sight, smell, taste, sound, touch) as...

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