Phone: 0436489449

Need an NDIS speech therapist for your child? Youth Living Skills can help!

It is likely that you’re looking for a speech therapist because your child:
  • Has difficulties with reading and spelling
  • Has difficulties with speech development and talking
  • Has difficulties with following directions

If the above sounds like you, you’ve come to the right place.

NDIS Speech Therapist
Youth Living Skills is an NDIS speech therapist provider in the South West Sydney area working with children from 7 years and 18 years old.
NDIS Speech Therapist

We can help provide therapeutic supports for a variety of disabilities and medical diagnoses and can help your child with:

  • Developing spoken language and improve understanding of language
  • Enhancing practical language skills
  • Improving reading, writing and spelling
  • Improving conversation skills and their interaction with others
  • Improving speech disorders and dyspraxia
  • Issues with stuttering or using voice

Contact us to find out how our service can help you!

NDIS Speech Therapist

We can help provide therapeutic supports for a variety of disabilities and medical diagnoses and can help your child with:

  • Developing spoken language and improve understanding of language
  • Enhancing practical language skills
  • Improving reading, writing and spelling
  • Improving conversation skills and their interaction with others
  • Improving speech disorders and dyspraxia
  • Issues with stuttering or using voice

We can provide speech therapy for children with the following medical conditions:

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Developmental delays
  • Intellectual disabilities
  • Down Syndrome
  • Brain injuries
  • Dyslexia
  • Fragile X Syndrome
  • Learning difficulties
  • Hearing difficulties or hearing loss

“My daughter was falling behind in school in her reading, and last year she wouldn’t have had the confidence to get up in class and read in front of her classmates. She can do that now.”

– Lauren

“My son has Down Syndrome and his therapist is helping him communicate and speak better.”

– Craig

“A speech therapist is coming to our school fortnightly to help one of my students with an intellectual disability.”

– Kylie

Now that you know what conditions we can help your child with, what else makes Youth Living Skills the right provider for you?

We specialise in working with children with a range of cognitive and physical disability and disorders,

and our staff have broad experiences in disability and mental health settings


Our staff have passed Criminal history and Working with Children checks


We strive to help our clients not only with their communication difficulties,

but also help them be more confident and independent, so that they can interact with their friends and participate in social activities


We work around your schedule and try to cater to any specific cultural or personal requests or needs


Therapy and session plans are specifically catered to your child’s needs and personal goals


The family is usually deeply involved in therapy

also to solidify what’s learnt in therapy in the child’s everyday environment


We also work with other services or professionals involved in your child’s life,

such as medical or allied health professionals or other therapists, teachers at school or your child’s employers (as needed/appropriate)


Our therapists are available after work and on weekends


No travel fees or charges


No charge for initial consultation


No obligation to continue to use our service – you can leave at any time


We come to your home or child’s school

At Youth Living Skills, we believe in giving our clients choices and options so that they have control of how they utilise our service.

Contact us now to make an appointment with your NDIS speech therapist!

Contact Information

PO Box address:

PO Box 121, Glenfield NSW 2167

Phone Number:

We will strive to respond to your enquiry within one business day.


    Let's Talk

    Thanks for stopping by! We're here to help. Please give us a call for a free consultation.
